The Department of Health (DH) plays a key role within the Victorian emergency management sector, performing the role of the control agency for human health emergencies and coordinating the health response as a support agency in all emergenciesDelegations are formalised through the State Emergency Management Plan, DH Role Statement, and the State Health Emergency Arrangements.    

LMPHU supports DH by working with the community and partnering agencies to identifying local risks to human health, and providing place-based activities to reduce the risk and consequences associated with emergency events.     

Our response will vary depending on the event, the needs of community, and the Department of Health.   

What is an emergency? 

An emergency is an event that has or is threatening to seriously impact on people or property that requires a coordinated response. 

Who is responsible for planning and responding in an emergency?  

Managing emergencies is a responsibility shared by individual residents, agencies and the community.  

Planning for an emergency 

You can play a vital part by being aware of the risks in your area and places you are travelling. Having a plan that covers multiple emergencies helps you to be proactive in protecting yourself and your family in an emergency situation.   

Keep informed by using the following resources:  

Vic Emergency app - Being prepared and understanding warnings – information includes fire, flood, storm, extreme heat, water safety, and preparing for telecommunications and power outages.   

Country Fire Authority – Plan and prepare for firesand CFA Fire Ready Kit   To source translated material for someone who does not read English call 131450.    

Department of Health – Heat health warnings  

The ABC Emergency website also provides information on general recovery, flood, bushfire, storm or cyclone and heatwaves. 


Stay up to date  

Vic Emergency app – Incidents and warnings  

BOM – Warnings current  

Important emergency services messages are often played on your local  ABC radio.

After the event  

Once you’ve received the all-clear to return home from your local council or SES, the Recovery Basics: looking after yourself during and after disasters booklet from the Red Cross has information on the physical, emotional and mental toll of disasters. 

Vic Emergency app – Relief and recovery  Including information specific to current and latest events, practical safety advice to assist with returning home, and mental health and other support servicesThis site includes translated factsheets and How to get help in natural disasters in Auslan.   

Flood and storm information and support can be found on the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care website and natural disaster support on the Services Australia website. 

Your local council  

Local councils’ partner with emergency services and the community to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency eventsFor more information visit your local council website.   

For health services 

Murray PHN has put together a bushfire preparedness document:  BUSHFIRE PREPAREDNESS ( 

For farmers 

Agriculture Victoria have put together a Fire Preparedness Toolkit to help you develop a fire plan for your home, livestock, and farm infrastructure:  Fire toolkit | Bushfires | Emergency management | Farm management | Agriculture Victoria 

Fire Safety

Fire Safety

Heat Health

Heat Health